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Installing Sylva the easy way

Sylva performs best as a Docker container, but several other methods are and will be supported in the future. The Docker images are all fully self-contained, which many users may find preferable.



The default image reflects the latest tagged release. To fetch the HEAD of master, use sylva/sylva:preview.

docker run -it sylva/sylva branch <query> #(1)!
  1. Sylva can be found on both Docker Hub and GitHub Container Registry. Users who prefer the latter can opt for instead.

-it isn't strictly necessary, but it's recommended for now to more readily allow full DataFrame dumps. In the future, this will be handled in a prettier and more user-friendly way.

Docker Compose

The compose file will become more useful later on, as environment variables, persistent volumes, and other configuration options are added.

    container_name: sylva
    image: 'sylva/sylva' #(1)!
  1. Sylva can be found on both Docker Hub and GitHub Container Registry. Users who prefer the latter can opt for instead.
docker compose run -it sylva branch <query>

PyPI (pip)

You should know...

This method requires the installation of additional dependencies for full functionality. It is not fully self-contained.

Basic functionality is still available.

pip install sylva

Without these two dependencies, Sylva will be unable to query targets that are behind a captcha.